Hi Brandon,


not having looked that much into it yet, but some comments.


Adding the “-C” option is probably the easiest part; it is done inside main.c in the existing block for the other configuration options.


About dumping the kamailio cfg after its has been parsed – the main problem is here probably that the internal state from the cfg file parser will be not that useful, as it will in another format.


Have a look to the cfg.lex and INCLUDEFILE definition if you did not find it already. The actual implementation of this one is around line 1357.


Maybe it is a good idea to look into how other programs have implemented this.







Henning Westerholt – https://skalatan.de/blog/

Kamailio services – https://gilawa.com


From: sr-dev <sr-dev-bounces@lists.kamailio.org> On Behalf Of Brandon Armstead
Sent: Monday, November 9, 2020 8:43 PM
To: Kamailio Devel List <sr-dev@lists.sip-router.org>
Subject: [sr-dev] Simple Feature / Help


Hello all,


    I'm looking to add a -C [filename] flag that will read the root kamailio.cfg file and its included files and dump the compiled result and exit.


i.e. kamailio -C /path/to/root/file.cfg




Similar to nginx -T


I attempted to research what files are involved and it looks like:








Problems, I'm having:


1) It looks like I need to add the -C option similar to the -c option, which I've done and it does not recognize the new -C flag.


2) I'm not entirely sure how to access the compiled configuration from memory, it looks like yyparse maybe involved in compiling the configuration?  sr_push_yy_state seems to do some compiling, but how do I access the result from src/main.c ?


Any further direction or help with this is appreciated.


- Brandon