Agreed, about fr_timer being tied to provisional, not final replies.
This is a confusing point and I usually keep lengthy comments in a boilerplate in order to remind myself of such situations in which the documentation is fundamentally misleading.
Klaus Darilion wrote:
I just read the the documentation of the fr_timer nad I think it is wrong (as K's documentation is identical and wrong).
AFAIK, fr_timer is triggered if there is no "provisional" response received, and not as the documentation said, a "final" response.
Eg. I always used fr_timer: 2 seconds fr_inv_timer: 120 seconds
Which means that the callee has to send a prov. response (e.g. 100 trying) within 2 seconds, to achieve fast failover. Once the prov. response is received, fr_timer is deactivated and fr_inv_timer is used.
- Question: Is this the same in sr's tm module? If yes, then the docs
should be fixed (I can do that).
- If yes, what about renaming the parameters and introduce parameters
which are clear, e.g.: timeout_prov_reply and timeout_final_reply
regards klaus
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