with serial/parallel forking you can process contacts based on timeouts
or receiving a reply via onreply or onfailure route.
As I understand it, it is not possible to trigger the processing of
"next" contacts (according to the q-value) by a timer only - that means
to trigger next contacts delayed while the higher-priority-contacts are
still ringing (onreply route would be called directly after receiving a
2010/6/30 Jasmin Schnatterbeck
the idea is to do parallel forking (not wait for reply or timeout), but
wait (for each branch) a specific amount of seconds, before sending out
the INVITE request to the contact.
This could be useful, if a user
- has a mailbox <somewhere>, which answers the call without waiting
(like many cell phone providers' mailboxes do, if a call gets forwarded
to them)
- would like to predefine multiple destinations, for example tel.
exchange and users phone, but the users phone should only ring
_additionally_ , if the call was not answered for <x> seconds by the
tel. exchange.
- ...
there are many use cases, but a function would be needed, which delays
further script processing for specific branches only or (that could be
the better solution) the definition of a special branch-individual avp
which holds the seconds to wait and which is evaluated by tm.
I cannot understand why you don't use the very usual and common serial
forking for such purpose. Any reason?