
ndb_redis is treating MOVED reply from redis cluster as error and breaking out even before the cluster handling code gets a chance to process this.

	if(rpl->rplRedis->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) {
		LM_ERR("Redis error:%.*s\n",
			(int)rpl->rplRedis->len, rpl->rplRedis->str);
		goto error_exec;

	if (check_cluster_reply(rpl->rplRedis, &rsrv)) {



Setup a redis cluster with at least 2 nodes.
Set modparam cluster=1 and allow_dynamic_nodes=1
fire redis get commands

Log Messages

ERROR: ndb_redis [redis_client.c:1037]: redisc_exec(): Redis error:MOVED 1090

Possible Solutions

revert d00b147#diff-812f223c66f926088d3aa98c36d96b92
Add another check to ignore the above logic if cluster support is enabled.
Do not treat MOVED replies as of type REDIS_REPLY_ERROR

Additional Information

kamailio built from branch 5.4.1

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