it can be held for next minor release to be tested more, if you feel it is better (we have to include something there as well :-) ). From commit log I understood is happening usually under RLS heavy load with retransmissions, does not help creating the transaction and absorbing the retransmissions with tm?
Cheers, Daniel
On 1/30/12 6:19 PM, Peter Dunkley wrote:
I believe that this bug also affects the 3.2 branch, but the change is quite big and with the next release of 3.2 due tomorrow I thought it best to hold off "cherry-pick"ing it until after the release. That is, unless anyone else thinks it should go in there?
On Mon, 2012-01-30 at 18:16 +0100, Peter Dunkley wrote:
Module: sip-router Branch: master Commit: e6a50c5c0957a5ad3e08e57ede5be775a41ac24f URL:http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/sip-router/?a=commit;h=e6a50c5c...
Author: pd<peter.dunkley@crocodile-rcs.com mailto:peter.dunkley@crocodile-rcs.com> Committer: pd<peter.dunkley@crocodile-rcs.com mailto:peter.dunkley@crocodile-rcs.com> Date: Mon Jan 30 17:06:42 2012 +0000
modules_k/presence: Improved handling of retransmitted SUBSCRIBE requests
- handle_subscribe() doesn't handle retransmitted SUBSCRIBEs properly. This was noticed with back-end SUBSCRIBEs from RLS under heavy load (also tried TCP here but under-load this caused a different set of problems with buffer sizes and buffers taking too long to process).
- Although this was originally observed with RLS back-end SUBSCRIBEs it appears to be a general issue when UDP is used.
- There were two main problems:
- On an un-SUBSCRIBE the record in the hash-table or DB will be removed. If the un-SUBSCRIBE is retransmitted there is no record to be found and handle_subscribe() fails.
- After fixing 1, and on re-SUBSCRIBE, remote CSeq's with lower than expected values cause failures. This can also happen when there are retransmissions.
- The fix was to catch both these cases and treat them as a special class of error. In these two cases and when the protocol is UDP, a correct-looking 2XX response is sent, but no further processing (database updates, sending NOTIFY, and so on) is performed on the SUBSCRIBE request.
- Also modified the query in get_database_info() to just use Call-ID, To-tag, and From-tag for dialog matching (so it duplicates the query from get_stored_info()) as the query that was there looked a little aggressive.
modules_k/presence/subscribe.c | 247 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules_k/presence/subscribe.c b/modules_k/presence/subscribe.c index d11287c..8add119 100644 --- a/modules_k/presence/subscribe.c +++ b/modules_k/presence/subscribe.c @@ -762,7 +762,10 @@ int handle_subscribe(struct sip_msg* msg, char* str1, char* str2) { if(get_stored_info(msg,&subs,&reply_code,&reply_str )< 0) {
LM_ERR("getting stored info\n");
if (msg->rcv.proto == PROTO_UDP)
LM_INFO("problem getting stored info - possible retransmission\n");
} reason= subs.reason;LM_ERR("getting stored info\n"); goto error;
@@ -885,9 +888,26 @@ error:
if(sent_reply== 0) {
if(send_error_reply(msg, reply_code, reply_str)< 0)
{if (reply_code == 200)
LM_ERR("failed to send reply on error case\n");
if(subs.event->type& PUBL_TYPE)
if(send_2XX_reply(msg, 202, subs.expires,
LM_ERR("failed to send reply on error case\n");
/* For presence.winfo */
if(send_2XX_reply(msg, 200, subs.expires,
LM_ERR("failed to send reply on error case\n");
if(send_error_reply(msg, reply_code, reply_str)< 0)
} }LM_ERR("failed to send reply on error case\n");
@@ -1082,21 +1102,21 @@ int extract_sdialog_info(subs_t* subs,struct sip_msg* msg, int mexp, subs->contact.s, subs->contact.len);
if (EVENT_DIALOG_SLA(subs->event->evp))
- {
/* user_contact@from_domain */
if(parse_uri(subs->contact.s, subs->contact.len,&uri)< 0)
LM_ERR("failed to parse contact uri\n");
goto error;
if(uandd_to_uri(uri.user, subs->from_domain,&subs->pres_uri)< 0)
LM_ERR("failed to construct uri\n");
goto error;
LM_DBG("&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& dialog pres_uri= %.*s\n",subs->pres_uri.len, subs->pres_uri.s);
- }
/* user_contact@from_domain */
if(parse_uri(subs->contact.s, subs->contact.len,&uri)< 0)
LM_ERR("failed to parse contact uri\n");
goto error;
if(uandd_to_uri(uri.user, subs->from_domain,&subs->pres_uri)< 0)
LM_ERR("failed to construct uri\n");
goto error;
LM_DBG("&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& dialog pres_uri= %.*s\n",
subs->pres_uri.len, subs->pres_uri.s);
/*process record route and add it to a string*/ if(*to_tag_gen&& msg->record_route!=NULL)
@@ -1152,18 +1172,17 @@ int get_stored_info(struct sip_msg* msg, subs_t* subs, int* reply_code, unsigned int hash_code;
/* first try to_user== pres_user and to_domain== pres_domain */
- if(subs->pres_uri.s == NULL)
- {
uandd_to_uri(subs->to_user, subs->to_domain,&pres_uri);
if(pres_uri.s== NULL)
LM_ERR("creating uri from user and domain\n");
return -1;
- }
- else
pres_uri = subs->pres_uri;
if(subs->pres_uri.s == NULL)
uandd_to_uri(subs->to_user, subs->to_domain,&pres_uri);
if(pres_uri.s== NULL)
LM_ERR("creating uri from user and domain\n");
return -1;
pres_uri = subs->pres_uri;
hash_code= core_hash(&pres_uri,&subs->event->name, shtable_size); lock_get(&subs_htable[hash_code].lock);
@@ -1176,14 +1195,13 @@ int get_stored_info(struct sip_msg* msg, subs_t* subs, int* reply_code, } lock_release(&subs_htable[hash_code].lock);
- if(subs->pres_uri.s)
goto not_found;
- if(subs->pres_uri.s)
goto not_found;
- pkg_free(pres_uri.s);
- pkg_free(pres_uri.s); pres_uri.s= NULL;
LM_DBG("record not found using R-URI search iteratively\n");
- LM_DBG("record not found using R-URI search iteratively\n"); /* take one row at a time */ for(i= 0; i< shtable_size; i++) {
@@ -1207,26 +1225,35 @@ int get_stored_info(struct sip_msg* msg, subs_t* subs, int* reply_code, lock_release(&subs_htable[i].lock); }
+not_found: if(dbmode != DB_MEMORY_ONLY) {
return get_database_info(msg, subs, reply_code, reply_str);
}return get_database_info(msg, subs, reply_code, reply_str);
- LM_ERR("record not found in hash_table\n");
- *reply_code= 481;
- *reply_str= pu_481_rpl;
if (msg->rcv.proto == PROTO_UDP&& subs->expires == 0)
/* Assume it's a retransmission of an un-SUBSCRIBE */
LM_INFO("No matching subscription dialog found in database - possible retransmission of un-SUBSCRIBE?\n");
*reply_code= 200;
*reply_str= su_200_rpl;
/* It's definitely an error */
LM_ERR("record not found in hash_table\n");
*reply_code= 481;
*reply_str= pu_481_rpl;
return -1;
- LM_DBG("Record found in hash_table\n");
- if(!EVENT_DIALOG_SLA(s->event->evp)) subs->pres_uri= pres_uri;
- subs->version = s->version; subs->status= s->status; if(s->reason.s&& s->reason.len)
@@ -1257,14 +1284,25 @@ found_rec:
if(subs->remote_cseq<= s->remote_cseq) {
LM_ERR("wrong sequence number;received: %d - stored: %d\n",
subs->remote_cseq, s->remote_cseq);
*reply_code= 400;
*reply_str= pu_400_rpl;
goto error;
if (msg->rcv.proto == PROTO_UDP)
/* Assume it's a retransmission of a SUBSCRIBE */
LM_INFO("Possible retransmission of SUBSCRIBE?\n");
*reply_code= 200;
*reply_str= su_200_rpl;
return -1;
/* It's definitely an error */
LM_ERR("wrong sequence number received: %d - stored: %d\n",
subs->remote_cseq, s->remote_cseq);
*reply_code= 400;
*reply_str= pu_400_rpl;
goto error;
} lock_release(&subs_htable[i].lock);}
@@ -1282,64 +1320,20 @@ error:
int get_database_info(struct sip_msg* msg, subs_t* subs, int* reply_code, str* reply_str) {
- db_key_t query_cols[10];
- db_val_t query_vals[10];
- db_key_t result_cols[9];
- db_key_t query_cols[3];
- db_val_t query_vals[3];
- db_key_t result_cols[7]; db1_res_t *result= NULL; db_row_t *row ; db_val_t *row_vals ; int n_query_cols = 0; int n_result_cols = 0; int remote_cseq_col= 0, local_cseq_col= 0, status_col, reason_col;
- int record_route_col, version_col;
- int pres_uri_col;
- int record_route_col, version_col, pres_uri_col; unsigned int remote_cseq; str pres_uri, record_route; str reason;
- query_cols[n_query_cols] =&str_to_user_col;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].type = DB1_STR;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].nul = 0;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].val.str_val = subs->to_user;
- n_query_cols++;
- query_cols[n_query_cols] =&str_to_domain_col;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].type = DB1_STR;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].nul = 0;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].val.str_val = subs->to_domain;
- n_query_cols++;
- query_cols[n_query_cols] =&str_watcher_username_col;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].type = DB1_STR;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].nul = 0;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].val.str_val = subs->from_user;
- n_query_cols++;
- query_cols[n_query_cols] =&str_watcher_domain_col;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].type = DB1_STR;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].nul = 0;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].val.str_val = subs->from_domain;
- n_query_cols++;
- query_cols[n_query_cols] =&str_event_col;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].type = DB1_STR;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].nul = 0;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].val.str_val = subs->event->name;
- n_query_cols++;
- query_cols[n_query_cols] =&str_event_id_col;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].type = DB1_STR;
- query_vals[n_query_cols].nul = 0;
- if( subs->event_id.s != NULL)
- {
query_vals[n_query_cols].val.str_val.s = subs->event_id.s;
query_vals[n_query_cols].val.str_val.len = subs->event_id.len;
- } else {
query_vals[n_query_cols].val.str_val.s = "";
query_vals[n_query_cols].val.str_val.len = 0;
- }
- n_query_cols++;
- query_cols[n_query_cols] =&str_callid_col; query_vals[n_query_cols].type = DB1_STR; query_vals[n_query_cols].nul = 0;
@@ -1385,29 +1379,29 @@ int get_database_info(struct sip_msg* msg, subs_t* subs, int* reply_code, str* r
if(result&& result->n<=0) {
LM_ERR("No matching subscription dialog found in database\n");
- pa_dbf.free_result(pa_db, result);
*reply_code= 481;
*reply_str= pu_481_rpl;
if (msg->rcv.proto == PROTO_UDP&& subs->expires == 0)
/* Assume it's a retransmission of an un-SUBSCRIBE */
LM_INFO("No matching subscription dialog found in database - possible retransmission of un-SUBSCRIBE?\n");
*reply_code= 200;
*reply_str= su_200_rpl;
/* It's definitely an error */
LM_ERR("No matching subscription dialog found in database\n");
*reply_code= 481;
*reply_str= pu_481_rpl;
return -1; }
row =&result->rows[0]; row_vals = ROW_VALUES(row);
- remote_cseq= row_vals[remote_cseq_col].val.int_val;
- if(subs->remote_cseq<= remote_cseq)
- {
LM_ERR("wrong sequence number received: %d - stored: %d\n",
subs->remote_cseq, remote_cseq);
*reply_code= 400;
*reply_str= pu_400_rpl;
pa_dbf.free_result(pa_db, result);
return -1;
- }
- subs->status= row_vals[status_col].val.int_val; reason.s= (char*)row_vals[reason_col].val.string_val; if(reason.s)
@@ -1453,6 +1447,31 @@ int get_database_info(struct sip_msg* msg, subs_t* subs, int* reply_code, str* r subs->record_route.len= record_route.len; }
- remote_cseq= row_vals[remote_cseq_col].val.int_val;
- if(subs->remote_cseq<= remote_cseq)
- {
pa_dbf.free_result(pa_db, result);
if (msg->rcv.proto == PROTO_UDP)
/* Assume it's a retransmission of a SUBSCRIBE */
LM_INFO("Possible retransmission of SUBSCRIBE?\n");
*reply_code= 200;
*reply_str= su_200_rpl;
/* It's definitely an error */
LM_ERR("wrong sequence number received: %d - stored: %d\n",
subs->remote_cseq, remote_cseq);
*reply_code= 400;
*reply_str= pu_400_rpl;
return -1;
- }
- pa_dbf.free_result(pa_db, result); result= NULL;
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-- Peter Dunkley Technical Director Crocodile RCS Ltd
sr-dev mailing list sr-dev@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-dev