Hi Henning,
thanks for your message.
If you can change the mem size (private mem size) that is needed by
xmlrpc with the new -M parameter, that's exactly what I was looking
I will try it out at the end of the week... may it also helps regarding
some fatal errors when using $si in the xmlrpc route.
Am Montag, den 18.07.2011, 10:54 +0200 schrieb Henning Westerholt:
On Sunday 17 July 2011, Jasmin Schnatterbeck wrote:
when using xmlrpc I get a memory error in
kamailio's log:
22(26427) ERROR: xmlrpc [xmlrpc.c:581]: No memory left: 9134
If the error occurs or not depends on the RPC
command, which is to be
executed and it occurs especially then, if long output text is expected.
After taking a look at xmlrpc.c I suppose the executing TCP process runs
out of memory while trying to generate the xmlrpc reply.
pkg_malloc seems to allocate some sort of private memory (=> increasing
shm size with -m will not help), so I think private memory size has to
be increased:
Is it possible to increase private memory size without recompiling or do
you think there is another reason for the memory error?
Hi Jasmin,
with upcoming 3.2 version you can change the PKG_MEM_POOL size without
$ sip-router$ ./kamailio -h | grep private
-M nr Size of private memory allocated, in Megabytes
but with current versions you need to set it in config.h.
Best regards,