Hi all,
Thanks for your returns. Yes tls is enabled. I will check for tls_threads_mode parameters.
I'm starting to identify the origin of the problem. When kamailio starts, the following script part is executed.
####################################################################### event_route[htable:mod-init] { $var(propertyName)=PROP_MMM_NODE_PATH; if (!route(SHOWPROPERTY)) { # check that all declared nodes are found in node table $var(i:inx)=0; while ($var(i:inx)<$(var(propertyParams){param.count})) { $var(paramName)=$(var(propertyParams){param.name,$var(i:inx)}); $var(paramValue)=$(var(propertyParams){param.valueat,$var(i:inx)}); if (ds_select_dst($var(paramValue),"4")) { while (is_avp_set("$avp(dsdst)")) { xlog("L_NOTICE", " " + "$var(propertyName)[$var(i:inx)] node=$var(paramName) path=$var(paramValue): $avp(dsdst)"); # remove head of avp(dsdst) list avp_delete("$avp(dsdst)"); } } else { xlog("L_WARN", "$var(propertyName)[$var(i:inx)] node=$var(paramName) path=$var(paramValue) - no dispatcher.list entries"); } $var(i:inx)=$var(i:inx)+1; } # remove all avps created by ds_select_dst calls avp_delete("*"); } } #######################################################################
The script runs correctly but at the next SIP OPTION managed by disptcher, there is a crash.
I think that the use of avp_delete is no longer adapted to the new dispatcher module. This was not a problem in 5.0
This initialization part is not really useful in our case, I will delete it and check that the rest works correctly.
Regards Philippe Gravet