2010/4/16 Henning Westerholt
Hello Inaki,
transaction live mainly in shared memory, so this could be another reason that
the t_relay/ t_newtran fails
Yes sorry, my fault. Basically the problem would be the fact that the
worker has not enough memory to parse and create an error response.
. But you're right, it should also fail due
insufficient private memory .
So what I'm in mind is a new script function
to get the current
available PKG mem, so the script can determine not to process the
request and reply (if it can) an error response. This would avoid the
creation of a new dialog, db queries and so on.
There are already some functions that output mem status, albeit in the log.
Take a look to pkg_status/shm_status() in cfgutils. So one could of course
implement a PV that returns the number of available memory, or a function that
checks for a certain range.
Try pkg_available() or shm_available().
Note however that this information is not always available
(depends on the compilations options). When not available, they will
always return max. ulong ( (unsigned long)-1).
You might want to look also at pkg_info(&mi) and shm_info(&mi). They
fill a struct mem_info (defined in mem/meminfo.h):
struct mem_info{
unsigned long total_size;
unsigned long free;
unsigned long used;
unsigned long real_used; /*used + overhead*/
unsigned long max_used;
unsigned long min_frag;
unsigned long total_frags; /* total fragment no */