The following task has been changed. The changes are listed below. For full information about what has changed, visit the URL and click the History tab.
FS#342 - Notify has incorrect information when q=0.5 in the Contact header User who did this: Daniel-Constantin Mierla (miconda) Task details edited: ------- When the ims_registar_scscf module sends a Notify after a deregistration and the contact has q= parameter, the XML contains state terminated for the AOR, and for the contact the state is active.
<code> <?xml version="1.0"?> <reginfo xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:reginfo" version="1" state="partial"> <registration aor="" id="0x2aeaf52ebb80" state="terminated"> <contact id="0x2aeaf52ebdd0" state="active" event="registered" expires="3558" q="0.500"> <uri>sip:+351915639755@;ep=;transport=udp</uri> </contact> </registration> </reginfo> </code> When q= parameter is not added in the contact field, the XML in the notify contains the following information after deregistration, AOR is terminated and also contact id in the state terminated.
<code> <?xml version="1.0"?> <reginfo xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:reginfo" version="1" state="partial"> <registration aor="" id="0x2b3396aecd60" state="terminated"> <contact id="0x2b3396af1e60" state="terminated" event="unregistered" expires="0"> <uri>sip:+31652526347@;transport=tcp</uri> </contact> </registration> </reginfo> </code>
The contact in the XML of the notify seems to be incorrectly constructed when q=.. used in the contact header.
Attached a patch which creates the correct contact info when the subscriber deregisters
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