Okay I solved this by using the uas->request structure ;)

One more question re. async "pattern" Daniel:
In the "continued" code, prior to executing the config file actions, can you add an avp (ie from within the code prior to calling t_continue, can we add an avp and have it available to the config file in the "continued" route block)?


On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 3:46 PM, Jason Penton <jason.penton@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi (Daniel this may be for you re. async)

Is it possible to get the sip message from a transaction after using t_continue. The reason I ask is that using the async "pattern", how would one be able to use transactional replies in code using t_reply(code, message). Is the only way to store the sip_msg in shm for later use, because if I look at TM I see there is no storage for the original SIP request?
