On 08/30/2013 03:08 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
It is not that I am agaist github or other 'cloud' portal, at the end git is distrubuted system by design, so we can have it in many places. It is about who is doing the work and administration in long term. If we get a group of people committed to do it, we can have a middle way for a while. Have a clone on github that you syncronyze back and forth with current repository and see what people prefer to use over the time, then we can decide which is the main repo and eventually keep the other as backup.
We're doing it the other way around at Sipwise: we've our own internal git server with the standard web interface etc., but it's configured to act as kind of a "master" to our github account. Everytime you push something to the internal repo, the github repo gets automatically synced and overwritten.
I like the github interface and everything around it, but it's only used for convenience to have more pretty interfaces and some basic external bug tracker and people have the possibility to send pull requests and everything, but in the end the real work is done on the internal git server.
So it doesn't have to be a all-or-nothing approach as you correctly pointed out, and we could still stick with git.sip-router.org as our main server and just hook up github as a "slave" for people preferring that interface to not be solely dependent on the availability of github.