I have an odd problem that I am not sure where to go with. I have setup
kamailio dev (or the 4.0.0 branch) for IMS. I have a pcscf, icscf, and
scscf using all the example config files. I also setup the fhoss for hss.
This 'seems' to works great for the handful of test users I have created.
The problem I have arises when a (or any) user logs out once logged out no
user can logon or do anything again. If I dump all the users from the
database and readd them; i am good to go again.
A capture of a user trying to logon after wards always gives me this:
500 Server error on UAR select S-CSCF, which comes from the I-CSCF.
I honestly have no idea what more to provide and Im not sure if this is an
kamailio or hss problem... Also what is everyone using for an HSS... Do I
even need an HSS can kamailio and the IMS modules do this already?