@petermarianF commented on this pull request.

In src/modules/ims_usrloc_pcscf/udomain.h:

> @@ -82,5 +83,7 @@ int update_security(udomain_t* _d, security_type _t, security_t* _s, struct pcon
 int update_temp_security(udomain_t* _d, security_type _t, security_t* _s, struct pcontact* _c);
 int preload_udomain(db1_con_t* _c, udomain_t* _d);
+int audit_usrloc_expired_pcontacts(udomain_t* _d);
+int db_load_pcontact(udomain_t* _d, str *_aor, int insert_cache, struct pcontact** _c, pcontact_info_t* contact_info);
+int db_delete_presentityuri_from_pua(str *presentity_uri);

Just removed db_delete_presentityuri_from_pua

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