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Subject: [SR-Users] SIGUSR1 for memory status not working as documented - only one process reports back
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I am trying to track down a memory leak that was triggered by a patch I wrote for my local copy of kamailio 4.1.4 . For this, I am following the documentation at http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/troubleshooting:memory . This page claims that once 
memlog is set in the configuration file, a kamailio process will dump a report of the allocation map when shutting down, or when receiving a SIGUSR1. I have configured my kamailio.cfg with memlog=1 and no other change, and I see the memory report on 
shutdown for all processes. However, when I send a SIGUSR1 to a kamailio process, the process does absolutely nothing, with the exception of the first kamailio process (the one reported as Type=attendant by "kamctl ps"). All of the other processes just 
ignore SIGUSR1. What is going on? It is inconvenient to force a shutdown of all the kamailio processes just to get the memory report.

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