@sergey-safarov commented on this pull request.

In src/modules/lost/doc/lost_admin.xml:

> @@ -168,7 +176,59 @@
             <title>Set <varname>location_type</varname> parameter</title>
                 <programlisting format="linespecific">
-    modparam("lost", "location_type, "civic geodetic locationURI")
+    modparam("lost", "location_type", "civic geodetic locationURI")
+    ...
+                </programlisting>
+            </example>
+        </section>
+        <section id="lost.p.post_request">
+            <title><varname>post_request</varname> (int)</title>
+            <para>
+            Dereferencing the location can be done using either the HTTP GET or POST method. This parameter

"This parameter" duplicated here.

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