Hi Daniel,

Yes, the RPC API does support nested struct, but at first glance the XMLRPC doesn't. The sercmd test you did will work so long as you use named pipe transport. If you try and do a ul.dump using XMLRPC you will get an error on the nested structure fmt "{". I will have a look at it today and let you know.


On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:20 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> wrote:

xmrpc is not going to be deprecated, it is actually the newer one.

But it is implementation from scratch, no external xmlrpc being used. So far it was implemented as much as it was needed. However, nested structures in replies should be supported. What is exactly the error you get? If there is an issue, it has to be fixed.

I just tested 'sercmd ul.dump' and worked fine, returning:

    Domain: location
    Size: 512
    AoRs: {
        AoR: 401
        HashID: 3325474
        Contacts: {
            Contact: {
                Address: sip:401@;line=1uxhrhwy
                Expires: 3541
                Q: 0.000000
                Call-ID: 3c267033369e-d3i5csinl2h7
                CSeq: 6300
                User-Agent: snom370/8.4.35
                Received: [not set]
                Path: [not set]
                State: CS_NEW
                Flags: 0
                CFlags: 0
                Socket: udp:
                Methods: 6111
                Ruid: uloc-4fb17657-71d-1
                Instance: <urn:uuid:3d1a0962-4751-426f-8492-0004132672E3>
                Reg-Id: 1
    Stats: {
        Records: 1
        Max-Slots: 1

It has lot of inner structures.


On 5/14/12 5:14 PM, Jason Penton wrote:
Hi All,

I have just been testing xmlrpc on some of the IMS module RPC functions and got some errors using nested structures. viz "{". Having a quick look through the xmlrpc code show that it doesn't support nested structures in the reply.

I am quite happy to fix this but am surprised that nobody has mentioned this before as I see there are a few modules that use nested replies. Does this maybe mean that XMLRPC is going to be deprecated (not a usual module)? 


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