Hi all, when there many records in DB tables like location(usrloc use write back mode), pua etc, kamailio fail to start by complaining "no pkg memory left" when try to load (restore) all records from DB to hashtable of location/pua. The share momory are allocated enough for the hashtable, but the default compilation of the PKG_MEMORY_SIZE is 4MB, which allow only restore several thousands records. I know I can increase the PKG_MEMORY_SIZE, but anyway there is a limitation which may fail to restore all records from DB during the startup of kamailio if it reach the limit of the number of records in DB.
Is there anyway to reload the hashtable from table by doing query n rows a time and loop until non more result from DB? this will avoid the kamailio startup problem when there are many records in hashtable which are save also in DB.
Thank you very much in advanced!