Aymeric Moizard schrieb:
Hi again,
I'm still in the process of testing and adding features in
my newly installed sip router. I'm now trying to add presence
support in my setup. I'm using the ser-advanced.cfg as a start
for my configuration.
I didn't found any howto dedicated to sip router for this. If
you have any pointer, let me know.
Here are the question:
In former ser, "pa" module was responsible for presence information?
I guess the old "pa" module from ser has
been removed because in
sip-router, the presence should be now handled with kamailio modules:
"presence" "presence_xml"?
I used ser_msysql.sh to prepare my defaut database and
it contains
database: "presentity", "presentity_contact",
and "presentity_notes", "watcherinfo", "tuple_extensions",
"rls_subscription", "rls_vs", and "rls_vs_names".
They all seems deprecated right? (because "pa" module is deprecated
and may be others?)
I guess yes.
I'd like a confirmation that I:
1: have to install "presence" "presence_xml" modules
2: have to install database from sip router git:
3: can safely remove the old tables: "presentity",
"presentity_extensions" and "presentity_notes",
"tuple_extensions", "tuple_notes", "rls_subscription",
"rls_vs", and
I guess yes.
One note: the "presentity" database
currently created by ser_mysql.sh
conflict with the one in "./utils/kamctl/mysql/presence-create.sql"
Last general question: What about mixing kamailio & ser? I've seen
for example modules with same namings: "auth" and "auth_db" in both
modules_s & modules_k: does this means we can use the same core but
have to choose between using modules_s or modules_k?
You can mix, but not arbitrarily. The biggest difference between ser and
kamailio is the database structure. ser uses a new database schema with
numeric user-ids which map to SIP AoR. kamailio still uses the old (ser
0.9.x) database schema where every user has a fixed AoR.
Therefore you can not mix modules which require different database layouts.
Thus, in your scenario you have to mix database layouts:
provisioning/location from ser and presence from kamailio. That might
work. But probably much easier would be to use kamailio modules only
(unless you need numeric user ids).
Tks much for your help & advise,
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