Minimal config ``` loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule ""
pv_buffer_slots = 30
#!substdef "!MAJOR!$(version(num){re.subst,/^(([^.])*.([^.])*)..*/\1/})!g" #!substdef "!MY_HOSTNAME!$HN(f)!g" #!substdef "!MY_WEBSOCKET_DOMAIN!$HN(d)!g" #!substdef "!KAMAILIO_DBMS!$def(KZ_DB_MODULE)!g"
#!substdef "!MY_IP_ADDRESS!$HN(i)!g" #!substdef "!SANITY_SUBST_CACHE_PERIOD!$def(SANITY_CACHE_PERIOD)!g"
#!substdef "!KZQ_CHECK_MEDIA_SERVER_INSERT!insert into dispatcher (setid, destination) select $var(SetId), "$var(MediaUrl)" from DUAL where not exists(select * from dispatcher where destination = "$var(MediaUrl)")!g" #!substdef "!KZQ_COUNT_SUBSCRIBERS!select event, (select count(*) from active_watchers b where presentity_uri = "$var(presentity)" and b.event = a.event) count from event_list a!g" #!substdef "!KZQ_HANDLE_NEW_SUBSCRIBE_DELETE1!delete from active_watchers where callid = "$ci"!g" #!substdef "!KZQ_HANDLE_NEW_SUBSCRIBE_DELETE2!delete from active_watchers where watcher_username="$fU" and presentity_uri="$var(presentity_uri)" and to_user="$tU" and watcher_domain="$fd" and event="$hdr(Event)"!g" #!substdef "!KZQ_RESET_PUBLISHER_UPDATE!update active_watchers set expires = $TS where id in (select * from (select from presentity a inner join active_watchers b on a.username = b.to_user and a.domain = b.to_domain and a.event = b.event where a.sender = "$var(MediaUrl)") AS presentity_temp)!g" #!substdef "!KZQ_PRESENCE_SEARCH_DETAIL!select * from active_watchers_log where presentity_uri = "$var(presentity_uri)"!g" #!substdef "!KZQ_PRESENCE_SEARCH_SUMMARY!select * from active_watchers where watcher_domain = "$var(Domain)"!g" #!substdef "!KZQ_PRESENCE_RESET!delete from presentity where sender = "$var(MediaUrl)"!g"
####### Routing Logic ######## route { $avp(device_id) = $hdr(X-Device-Id); $avp(account_db) = $hdr(X-Account-Db); $var(text) = $hdr(Contact); $var(expires) = $hdr(Expires); $var(header) = $hdr(X-KAZOO-Respond-With); $var(xxxx) = $hdr(To); $var(rr_base) = $hdr(Record-Route); $xavp(hf=>X-AUTH-IP) = $hdr(X-AUTH-IP); $xavp(hf=>X-AUTH-PORT) = $hdr(X-AUTH-PORT); $var(LocalRoute) = $hdr(X-TM-Local); $ru = $hdr(X-URN-Service); append_hf_value("Call-Info", "$(hdr(X-NenaCallId)[0])");
if ($hdr(X-KAZOO-INVITE-FORMAT) == "route") { $var(referred_by) = $hdr(Referred-By); }
if ($hdr(X-Redirect-Server) != $null) { $avp(destination_uri) = $hdr(X-KAZOO-AOR); }
} ```
If `pv_buffer_slots` has value 18-24, 26, 27, 29, 30 then core created. Tested 0e51ce1075f206a4441333f72c69fcc56f8d6855
Also important, `-m` and `-M` Kamailio arguments affect how long Kamailio trying to start. But no matter how much memory provided, Kamailio will fail.