best ideas always come after clicking 'send'...
The timer deviation is caused by a prolonged startup due to unreachable rtpproxies. During startup, it seems the internal timer is not updated. The timer difference is reproducable equal to the time it takes kamailio to fully startup. In the case below, the probing of the rtpproxies took approx 11 sec.
I'll file a bug report for this.
On Monday 09 July 2012, Alex Hermann wrote:
during the last leap-second i noticed the internally kept time (ticks, ser_time()) deviates from the real time (time()). The difference is not contant buf fluctuates around 11 secs. How is it possible that both times deviate and how to prevent it?
This is (amongst other things) breaking authentication using nonces generated on different hosts.
For debugging, I added a PV to print the internal ser_time(): $TSi, and got this result:
xlog("L_NOTICE", "TS: $TS TSi: $TSi");
Jul 9 12:54:00 devprx01 proxy3[28491]: NOTICE: TS: 1341831240 TSi: 1341831229
This behaviour survives kamailio restarts and survived host restarts until july 2nd. After that, a host restart got both times in sync. I still have an affected host i have not restarted since the leap second which still exhibits this behaviour.