Yes in sip trace i do see notify being sent using udp transport rather then tls.
U 2015/08/03 10:30:53.213962 X.X.X.X:5060 -> Y.Y.Y.Y:57526
NOTIFY sip:1234567890@Y.Y.Y.Y:57526 SIP/2.0
I also notice that R-URI domain part is destination user's IP, instead of his/her domain, which i am afraid would be rejected by destination user if it ever get there.
I am not using force send socket anywhere for presence. The event_route[tm:local-request] just does some xlog. This xlog appears AFTER the send socket warning in kamailio logs (so i guess it is already too late to using force send socket anyway).
Here are the presence modules params,
# ----- presence params -----
modparam("presence", "waitn_time", 10)
modparam("presence", "subs_db_mode", 2)
modparam("presence", "fetch_rows", 1024)
modparam("presence", "clean_period", 30)
modparam("presence", "db_update_period", 30)
modparam("presence", "notifier_processes", 4)
modparam("presence", "db_table_lock_type", 0)
modparam("presence", "db_url", "WEBRTC_DBURL")
modparam("presence", "timeout_rm_subs", 0)
modparam("presence", "expires_offset", 10)
modparam("presence", "local_log_level", 3)
modparam("presence", "pres_htable_size", 12)
modparam("presence", "subs_htable_size", 12)
modparam("presence", "max_expires", WEBRTC_SIP_MAX_EXPIRE)
# ----- presence_xml params -----
modparam("presence_xml", "force_active", 1)
modparam("presence_xml", "db_url", "WEBRTC_DBURL")
modparam("presence_xml", "integrated_xcap_server", 1)
# ----- xcap_server params -----
modparam("xcap_server", "db_url", "WEBRTC_ALT_DBURL")
modparam("xcap_server", "buf_size", 65536)
# ----- pua params -----
modparam("pua", "db_mode", 2)
modparam("pua", "fetch_rows", 1024)
modparam("pua", "update_period", 30)
modparam("pua", "db_url", "WEBRTC_DBURL")
modparam("pua", "hash_size", 12)
modparam("pua", "check_remote_contact", 0)
modparam("pua", "min_expires", WEBRTC_SIP_MIN_EXPIRE)
modparam("pua", "default_expires", WEBRTC_SIP_DEFAULT_EXPIRE)
# ----- rls params -----
# only enable for distributed setup
modparam("rls", "db_mode", 2)
modparam("rls", "waitn_time", 10)
modparam("rls", "fetch_rows", 1024)
modparam("rls", "clean_period", 30)
modparam("rls", "notifier_processes", 4)
modparam("rls", "db_url", "WEBRTC_DBURL")
modparam("rls", "hash_size", 12)
modparam("rls", "to_presence_code", 10)
modparam("rls", "integrated_xcap_server", 1)
modparam("rls", "disable_remote_presence", 1)
modparam("rls", "rls_event", "presence;winfo")
modparam("rls", "max_expires", WEBRTC_SIP_MAX_EXPIRE)
modparam("rls", "server_address", "sip:rls@WEBRTC_SIP_IP:WEBRTC_SIP_PORT")
Thank you.