When attempting to start Kamailio 5.0.0 with the app_perl module, it fails to start and logs:

Mar 1 10:20:04 albatross kamailio: DEBUG: [core/sr_module.c:575]: load_module(): trying to load </lib64/kamailio/m
Mar 1 10:20:04 albatross kamailio: ERROR: [core/sr_module.c:582]: load_module(): could not open module </lib64/kam
ailio/modules/app_perl.so>: /lib64/kamailio/modules/app_perl.so: undefined symbol: sv2int_str
Mar 1 10:20:04 albatross kamailio: CRITICAL: [core/cfg.y:3400]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file /opt/ensw
itch/current/etc/kamailio/kamailio_50.cfg, line 28, column 12-21: failed to load module

The machine is Ubuntu 16.10, line 28 of kamailio_50.cfg is:

loadmodule "app_perl"

and the other options passed to app_perl are:

modparam( "app_perl", "filename", "/opt/enswitch/current/perllib/Integrics/Enswitch/Kamailio.pm" )
modparam( "app_perl", "modpath", "/opt/enswitch/current/perllib" )
modparam( "app_perl", "reset_cycles", 100000 )
modparam( "app_perl", "perl_destroy_func", "Integrics::Enswitch::Kamailio::restart" )

This problem does not happen on the same machine with Kamailio 4.2.1 and an identical configuration file.

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