Well, for that moment it doesn't work.
My configuration is as follows:
#!define DBURL_CNXCC "redis://here_my_password@redis.domain.com:6379/1" loadmodule "db_redis.so" modparam("db_redis", "schema_path", "/usr/share/kamailio/db_redis/kamailio")
modparam("cnxcc", "redis", DBURL_CNXCC)
I think this is wrong way to do that. cnxcc module uses redis db as htable and stores real-time values (like credit, call duration etc.) that exist only when call is up for certain customer, then it drops whole key.
Should I use: 'modparam("db_redis", "keys"...' ? Or db_redis is to be improved to work with cnxcc? (cuz it uses not "db_url" modparam but "redis" modparam).