you can use cfgutils or siputils.
I plan to add some more IP/dns related functions for config usage (no
timelines yet, though):
- netmask comparison using pseudo-variables
- dns resolver for querying and accessing the result in config
So starting a new module like 'ipops' might be a good solution, as well.
On 4/27/11 12:50 PM, IƱaki Baz Castillo wrote:
Hi, AFAIK SR doesn't provide a way to binary
compare two IPv6 (correct
me if I'm wrong). About IPv4 comparison, I assume it's compared as a
if ($rd == "")
so it works. But in case of IPv6 it would not work as the same IPv6
could take different (but equivalent) representations:
I'd like to add a function to perform IPv6 binary comparison (as I've
already coded it in a personal project), could you please tell me in
which module should it take place? I mean something as:
compare_ips(ip1, ip2)
Returns 1 if both IP's are two equal IPv4 or two equal IPv6.
Returns -1 if both IP's are valid but not equal.
Returns -2 if at least one give IP is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6.
- ip1: An string of pv containing a IPv4 or IPv6 in text representation.
- ip2: An string of pv containing a IPv4 or IPv6 in text representation.