Given this code in .cfg:
if (!perl_exec("verify", "route_LOCATION")) { xlog("L_INFO", "Invite verify failed for ruri: $ru\n"); sl_send_reply("403", "Not Allowed"); exit; }
if the perl function returns 1 everything proceeds nicely (skipping the if block as as expected).
But should the perl function return 0 (which seemed like the right choice for failure) the call fails to progress; the if block does not run, and nothing else does either. The INVITing sip client retries and times out.
I had to return a negative value to get the if block to run.
Expected? Or bug?
(Running deb's sid build on amd64.)
-JimC -- James Cloos OpenPGP: 0x997A9F17ED7DAEA6