I found that it is a combination of two things. The function sip_msg_apply_changes not copying the callid header and the dialog dlg_onroute asking for it when it didn't find the dialog, which makes LM_WARN try to print a null pointer.
I am attaching the conf I used and the test packet. It was tested with master.
test packet: ``` ACK sip:15552003030@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKge3e2pX2SreKe Route: sip:;lr;did=db9.69a1 Route: sip:;lr;ftag=tvZ0UZm1Nypjj;did=db9.d048a271 Max-Forwards: 69 From: "V0050923" sip:0000000000@;tag=tvZ0UZm1Nypjj To: sip:15552003030@;tag=kEpCUxgyofc Call-ID: a7ee0ea6-a08a-123a-ac87-d4bed9f99694 CSeq: 42168114 ACK Content-Length: 0
kamailio.cfg ``` #!KAMAILIO
# - flags # FLT_ - per transaction (message) flags # FLB_ - per branch flags #!define FLT_ACC 1 #!define FLT_ACCMISSED 2 #!define FLT_ACCFAILED 3
####### Global Parameters #########
### LOG Levels: 3=DBG, 2=INFO, 1=NOTICE, 0=WARN, -1=ERR #!ifdef WITH_DEBUG debug=4 log_stderror=yes #!else debug=2 log_stderror=no #!endif
memdbg=5 memlog=5
log_facility=LOG_LOCAL0 log_prefix="{$mt $hdr(CSeq) $ci} "
/* uncomment the next line to disable TCP (default on) */ listen=udp: advertise listen=tcp: tcp_children=1 tcp_accept_no_cl=yes
####### Custom Parameters #########
/* These parameters can be modified runtime via RPC interface * - see the documentation of 'cfg_rpc' module. * * Format: group.id = value 'desc' description * Access: $sel(cfg_get.group.id) or @cfg_get.group.id */
loadmodule "kex.so" loadmodule "corex.so" loadmodule "tm.so" loadmodule "tmx.so" loadmodule "sl.so" loadmodule "rr.so" loadmodule "pv.so" loadmodule "xhttp.so" loadmodule "jsonrpcs.so" loadmodule "maxfwd.so" loadmodule "usrloc.so" loadmodule "registrar.so" loadmodule "textops.so" loadmodule "textopsx.so" loadmodule "siputils.so" loadmodule "cfgutils.so" loadmodule "xlog.so" loadmodule "sanity.so" loadmodule "ctl.so" loadmodule "cfg_rpc.so" loadmodule "acc.so" loadmodule "counters.so" loadmodule "dialog.so" loadmodule "htable.so" loadmodule "sdpops.so" loadmodule "xhttp_prom.so" loadmodule "uac.so"
modparam("uac", "restore_dlg", 1)
modparam("xhttp_prom", "xhttp_prom_stats", "all"); modparam("xhttp_prom", "xhttp_prom_buf_size", 2097152);
#!ifdef WITH_DEBUG loadmodule "debugger.so" #!endif
# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
# ----- jsonrpcs params ----- modparam("jsonrpcs", "transport", 1) modparam("jsonrpcs", "pretty_format", 1) /* set the path to RPC fifo control file */ modparam("jsonrpcs", "fifo_name", "/tmp/kamailio/kamailio_rpc.fifo") /* set the path to RPC unix socket control file */ modparam("jsonrpcs", "dgram_socket", "/tmp/kamailio/kamailio_rpc.sock")
# ----- ctl params ----- /* set the path to RPC unix socket control file */ modparam("ctl", "binrpc", "unix:/tmp/kamailio/kamailio_ctl")
# ----- tm params ----- # auto-discard branches from previous serial forking leg modparam("tm", "failure_reply_mode", 3) # default retransmission timeout: 30sec modparam("tm", "fr_timer", 30000) # default invite retransmission timeout after 1xx: 120sec modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer", 120000)
# ----- rr params ----- # set next param to 1 to add value to ;lr param (helps with some UAs) modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 0) # do not append from tag to the RR (no need for this script) modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 0)
# ----- acc params ----- /* what special events should be accounted ? */ modparam("acc", "early_media", 0) modparam("acc", "report_ack", 0) modparam("acc", "report_cancels", 0) /* by default ww do not adjust the direct of the sequential requests. * if you enable this parameter, be sure the enable "append_fromtag" * in "rr" module */ modparam("acc", "detect_direction", 0) /* account triggers (flags) */ modparam("acc", "log_flag", FLT_ACC) modparam("acc", "log_missed_flag", FLT_ACCMISSED) modparam("acc", "log_extra", "src_user=$fU;src_domain=$fd;src_ip=$si;" "dst_ouser=$tU;dst_user=$rU;dst_domain=$rd") modparam("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", FLT_ACCFAILED)
#!ifdef WITH_DEBUG # ----- debugger params ----- modparam("debugger", "cfgtrace", 1) modparam("debugger", "log_level_name", "exec") #!endif
####### Routing Logic ########
/* Main SIP request routing logic * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */ request_route {
# per request initial checks route(REQINIT); # CANCEL processing if (is_method("CANCEL")) { if (t_check_trans()) { route(RELAY); } exit; }
sdp_remove_codecs_by_id("0,3,8"); msg_apply_changes();
# handle retransmissions if (!is_method("ACK")) { if(t_precheck_trans()) { t_check_trans(); exit; } t_check_trans(); }
# record routing for dialog forming requests (in case they are routed) # - remove preloaded route headers remove_hf("Route"); if (is_method("INVITE|SUBSCRIBE")) { record_route(); } # account only INVITEs if (is_method("INVITE")) { setflag(FLT_ACC); # do accounting dlg_manage(); if (uri==myself && src_ip!= ) { rewritehost(""); route(RELAY); } }
if ($rU==$null) { # request with no Username in RURI sl_send_reply("484","Address Incomplete"); exit; }
# Wrapper for relaying requests route[RELAY] {
if (is_method("INVITE|BYE|SUBSCRIBE|UPDATE")) { if(!t_is_set("branch_route")) t_on_branch("MANAGE_BRANCH"); } if (is_method("INVITE|SUBSCRIBE|UPDATE|BYE")) { if(!t_is_set("onreply_route")) t_on_reply("MANAGE_REPLY"); } if (is_method("INVITE")) { if(!t_is_set("failure_route")) t_on_failure("MANAGE_FAILURE"); }
if (!t_relay()) { sl_reply_error(); } exit; }
# Per SIP request initial checks route[REQINIT] {
if($ua =~ "friendly-scanner|sipcli|VaxSIPUserAgent") { # silent drop for scanners - uncomment next line if want to reply # sl_send_reply("200", "OK"); exit; }
if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) { sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops"); exit; }
if(is_method("OPTIONS") && uri==myself && $rU==$null) { sl_send_reply("200","Keepalive"); exit; }
if(!sanity_check("1511", "7")) { xlog("Malformed SIP message from $si:$sp\n"); exit; } }
# Handle requests within SIP dialogs route[WITHINDLG] { if (!has_totag()) return;
# sequential request withing a dialog should # take the path determined by record-routing if (loose_route()) { if (is_method("BYE")) { setflag(FLT_ACC); # do accounting ... setflag(FLT_ACCFAILED); # ... even if the transaction fails } else if ( is_method("NOTIFY") ) { # Add Record-Route for in-dialog NOTIFY as per RFC 6665. record_route(); } route(RELAY); exit; }
if ( is_method("ACK") ) { if ( t_check_trans() ) { route(RELAY); exit; } else { exit; } } sl_send_reply("404","Not here"); exit; }
# Manage incoming replies onreply_route[MANAGE_REPLY] { if(status=~"1[0-9][0-9]") { return; }
# Manage failure routing cases failure_route[MANAGE_FAILURE] { if (t_is_canceled()) exit; }
event_route[xhttp:request] { if ($hu =~ "^/metrics" && dst_port == 3030 ) { prom_dispatch(); return; } if(src_ip!= || dst_port!=3030) { xhttp_reply("403", "Forbidden", "text/html", "<html><body>Not allowed from $si</body></html>"); exit; } if ($hu =~ "^/RPC") { jsonrpc_dispatch(); } else { xhttp_reply("404", "Not Found", "text/html", "<html><body>Not Found</body></html>"); } return; } ```