Kamailio msrp module handles the From-Path and To-Path.

For the sdp in the invite, you can try to add new msrp url with subst/replace functions from textops/textops module, or use some embedded scripting like python or lua if you need more complex operations, then there are functions to delete/set the body. Of course, if someone wants to add a function in the C code for it, I am fine to merge an eventual pull request.

Still my quick guess is that it is the job of UA to set all the msrp URLs there, otherwise it may not build correctly the From-Path and To-Path. But again I am fine if there is a use case for inserting additional msrp relays out of UAs control. Given that MSRP relay is more like a TURN server, the specs likely didn't allow interfering with the selected relay path by UAs for security/privacy reasons.

For sure the MSRP relay next to the end-point has to be set by the UA, otherwise the MSRP relay cannot connect to the endpoint via tcp/tls, especially for natted devices.

If there are no further comments that point to specs that say a msrp relay can be inserted by a middle node, then this item is going to be closed soon. A pull request can be made at any time.

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