1. Yes, briefly looking on UAC documentation these functions should work for you.

2. Yes, UAC module enables some SBC features on kamailio.

2014-08-25 16:36 GMT+04:00 Yuriy Gorlichenko <ovoshlook@gmail.com>:
Hmmm... So if I cath 407 Kamailio works with Invite that Send from Asterisk to Provider before I changed It.

About changing from/to:
UAC mode have uac_replace_from()/uac_replace_to() for rewriting headers . Must I use this functions instead my changes? 

About Breaking RFC:
so UAC do it breaking RFC? And second - What write way to send packet to provider through kamailo if providers registrates on It?


2014-08-25 16:19 GMT+04:00 Alekzander Spiridonov <alekz@li.ru>:


First of all, changing From\To headers on proxy breaks the RFC =) So that's the initial problem of your set up I guess.

About your qustion, check out the wiki about failure_route:
> Note that in 'failure_route' is processed the request that initiated the transaction, not the reply.

The only workaround you may want to check is to update the request and apply lumps before you create a transaction.

2014-08-25 16:03 GMT+04:00 Yuriy Gorlichenko <ovoshlook@gmail.com>:
Hello. At first- I think header of my message doesn't explain my porblem but I can not say about it with different terms)

So. I have construction Asterisk --> Kamailio --> Providers

My provisers registered with UAC modure and stored at UACREG table.

Problem scenario is:

I ring from asterisk to provider

Asterisk --> Kamailio --> Providers

Call from asterisk come to kamailio with 

Then, to forward INVITE to provider that Needed I use some manipulations to choose provider (it does not matter, it is only sql_queryes to some tables), and then modify invite with this code:

#$var(prov) - my.provider.ip
#$var(trunk) - name_of_trunk 



So -after this manipulation I have write packet, that goues to my provider.

Then Provier sends me 407 answer and packet goes to failure_route

if (t_check_status("401|407")){
        xlog("L_INFO", "Reply from provider on failure: $rs");
        if  (uac_auth()){
                     #my query to get avp for uac
sql_pvquery("ca","select auth_username, auth_password, realm from uacreg where auth_username='$fU'","$var(uname), $var(passwd), $var(realm)");        
                xlog("L_INFO", "username=$var(uname), password=$var(passwd), realm=$var(realm) for {$fU}");


                      xlog("L_INFO", "UAC_AUTH(): $rs"); 
if (t_is_canceled()) {
So After changes Before Provider answer 407 my $fU = name_of_trunk, but at failure route my fU is Asterisk_clinet_local_number and it so strange because I see this packet at TCPDUMP and it have trunkname at fU
Because of It I can not take from table needed vars for auth and avp`s Have 0.

So packet for Auth (407) goes to Asterisk (with trunkname!!!! at fU), but t must stops at kamailio and must be ralayed to provider.

So this my problem- I can not understand: Why fU at reply 407 have old parameters?

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Alekzander Spiridonov

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Best regards,
Alekzander Spiridonov