Are you sure lookup("location") does not retrieve SIP contacts in the case you describe? Because it should. The function uses only username and domain parts of the Request-URI when doing lookups in the user location database.
Function modules_k/registrar/lookup.c:lookup calls modules_k/registrar/common.c:extract_aor which ignores the scheme of the URI.
On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 08:57, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
2011/5/9 Klaus Darilion
This is, the entire path *until* the proxy responsible for the domain in the RURI must be secure (TLS) but it's not required (local policy) that the destination proxy dellivers the request to the destination user using TLS.
So IMHO lockup(location) should not inspect the registration schema. Am I wrong?
Hi, any comment about it? :)
IMO flags would be nice to change the behavior of lookup() to allow retrieving sip: contacts t
Hi, why should be needed a flag to behave as the standard states? :)
Local policies need not be standard conform. :-)
Ok, but we agree that, at least, there should be optional, right? :)
-- Iñaki Baz Castillo
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