On 10/12/2010 01:32 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
On 10/12/10 1:19 PM, Henning Westerholt wrote:
On Tuesday 12 October 2010, Robert Verspuy wrote:
When looking at modules/sl/sl.c, line 360-364 I see all methods of the struct are mapped to their corresponding functions, but not the register_cb.
Hi Robert,
i think this was already fixed from Daniel yesterday in the commit 97decac9266dcd1d83 - its available in the 3.1 branch as well.
it was fixed, indeed. If someone needs, here are some instructions of how to get last version of branch 3.1 from git: http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/install:kamailio-3.1.x-from-git#ge...
Thnx, I'm compiling the latest version from git now.
Hopefully this will also fix my problem with the table version of the table "trusted" in v3.0.3. (async. communication with postgresql where the results of a different query is used when checking the table version.) If it's still there I will post it a new message.
Regards, Robert Verspuy