We currently use a slightly modified version of the registrar module which works well in our own setup, but I wondered whether it made sense to make available for everyone.
We have distributed registrars with no proxies in front, so registrations are handled directly at the edge by any server (we then rely on DNS for load balancing/failover). All share the same DB/table and when a register is received, we add Path header manually, before saving.
Each server can handle an invite to any subscriber - it simply performs lookup and then relays the request (Path determines through which server to relay). Our custom version of lookup function checks to see whether the received socket in the location record is one of its own and if it is, ignores the Path and continues as if it were not present - i.e. checks for Received, forces outgoing socket etc. The invite is then sent out directly to the subscriber instead of looping to itself first.
Could this be useful to others? Of course, it would be enabled by a parameter which would be set to disabled by default.