You said "I am trying to FIX the current implementation", which implies there is a problem, a bug. Initial developer maybe thought about more that you think, just had to implement based on the requirements at that moment and they may still be valid for specific use cases even after 16 years, given that the code was changed. Anyhow, let's not go around the words and focus on the technical parts.
I didn't say what you propose as a new distribution logic is not useful for some cases, I proposed to do a new algorithm inspiring from the 7. The module was introduced before variables, once they were available, algorithm 7 can offer same like hashing over callid or other attributes of the sip message. There are clear benefits of this approach, some I listed in previous comments.
If you look in the code where the algorithm 7 (DS_ALG_HASHPV) you can see how the value of the pv specified by modparam hash_pvar is received. If you get troubles sorting it out, let us know what you coded (post a diff), and we will try to assist.