The following task has a new comment added:
FS#191 - bad sotket after re-register in location table User who did this - David Kovarik (kovik)
---------- odorik.domain = "" desc "nase_domena" ......
$rd = $sel(cfg_get.odorik.domain); #musim mu nastavit ze vola na nas if (is_method("REGISTER")){
#registrace pouze z CZ a SK route(ONLYCZ);
#auth limit #kdyz posle registraci vic nez 5* za 5minut if($sht(auth=>$au::auth_count)==10){ $var(exp) = $Ts - 300; #zablokuje na 5 minut if($sht(auth=>$au::last_auth) > $var(exp)){ sl_send_reply("403", "Try later"); xlog("L_INFO","Prekrocil limit registraci $var(exp) - $sht(auth=>$au::last_auth) - auth: $au, src ip: $si\n"); exit; }else{ $sht(auth=>$au::auth_count) = 0; sql_query("seru","UPDATE subscriber SET reg_expire=0 WHERE user='$au'","nic"); sql_result_free("nic"); } } #/auth limit
if (!www_authorize("$td", "subscriber")){ #if (!www_authorize('$sel(cfg_get.odorik.domain)', "subscriber")){
#auth limit switch ($retcode) { case -1: #invalid user sl_send_reply("403", "Forbidden"); $var(reg_mess)="INVALID USER"; route(REGISTER_LOG); xlog("L_INFO","Invalid user: $au, src ip: $si"); exit; case -2: #invalid password $var(reg_mess)="INVALID PASSWORD"; route(REGISTER_LOG); if($sht(auth=>$au::auth_count) == $null){ $sht(auth=>$au::auth_count) = 0; } xlog("L_INFO","Invalid password - auth: $au, src ip: $si -- count=$sht(auth=>$au::auth_count)"); $sht(auth=>$au::auth_count) = $sht(auth=>$au::auth_count) + 1; if($sht(auth=>$au::auth_count) == 10){ xlog("L_INFO","Prekrocil limit registraci - auth: $au, src ip: $si -- count=$sht(auth=>$au::auth_count) -- last:$sht(auth=>$au::last_auth) = $Ts \n"); sql_query("seru","UPDATE subscriber SET datum_zmeny=NOW(),reg_expire=NOW(),reg_expire_ip='$si' WHERE user='$au'","nic"); sql_result_free("nic"); } $sht(auth=>$au::last_auth) = $Ts; sl_send_reply("403", "Forbidden"); break; } #/auth limit
www_challenge("$td", "1"); #www_challenge('$sel(cfg_get.odorik.domain)', "1"); exit; }
#prosel smazu z sht $sht(auth=>$au::auth_count) = $null; $sht(auth=>$au::last_auth) = $null;
xlog("L_INFO","AUTH-REGISTER prosel-$rm - $ci - $fU - $rU - $au=$tU"); if ($au!=$tU) { sl_send_reply("403","Forbidden"); $var(reg_mess)="INVALID AUTH ID"; route(REGISTER_LOG); xlog("L_INFO","AUTH FORBIDDEN $ci - $fU - $rU - $au != $tU"); exit; }
$var(reg_mess)="OK"; route(REGISTER_LOG); sql_query("seru","UPDATE subscriber SET datum_zmeny=NOW() WHERE user='$au'","nic"); sql_result_free("nic"); }else{ .....
route[REGISTER_LOG]{ sql_query("seru","insert into register_log set time_stamp=now(), src_ip='$si',auth_user='$au',from_user='$fU',from_uri='$fu',contact_header='$ct',user_agent='$ua',pozn='$var(reg_mess)',packet='$mb' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE time_stamp=now(),auth_user='$au',from_user='$fU',from_uri='$fu',contact_header='$ct',user_agent='$ua',pozn='$var(reg_mess)',packet='$mb'","nil"); sql_result_free("nil"); }
route[ONLYCZ]{ #muze volat jenom z CZ nebo SK #pridat do hlavnidb atributy a potom je preposlat odoriku exe if($sht(set=>$au) & 2){ if(geoip_match("$si", "src")){ if !($gip(src=>cc) =~ "CZ|SK"){ xlog("L_INFO","ONLYCZ -- $fU -- forbidden $ru -- $rm from:$si =$gip(src=>cc)-"); sl_send_reply("403","CZ_ONLY"); exit; } } } }
..... grep -i location ./kamailio.cfg # *** To enable persistent user location execute: # set paths to location of modules modparam("usrloc", "preload", "location") #/* uncomment the next line to disable parallel forking via location */ /* enable DB persistency for location entries */ #lookup("location"); # user location service route(LOCATION); if (!save("location")) # USER location service route[LOCATION]{ if (!lookup("location")) { $var(tmp)="LOCATION 404"; $var(tmp)="LOCATION 405";
grep :5 ./kamailio.cfg listen=udp: listen=tcp: #listen=udp: #listen=tcp: modparam("siptrace", "duplicate_uri","sip:") ----------
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