Done, I just merged the branch into the master.
On 22-06 18:47, Jan Janak wrote:
I finished my import of missing pieces from Kamailio SVN repository. The commit message did not make it though to the list because it was too big. I haven't commited my changes into the master branch yet, I uploaded them to the branch janakj/missing_imports and I would appreciate if people (especially K. developers) could review them, here is a link to the new branch:;a=shortlog;h=refs/...
And here is a short summary of the changes:
kamailio/etc was imported into sip-router/etc In Kamailio trunk the etc directory contains a kamailio.cfg files, a RADIUS dictionary and TLS certificates and related files.
kamailio/packaging was imported into sip-router/pkg/kamailio I thought that it would be good to have both version of packaging files under one directory in the shared repository. To avoid conflicts with existing directories and files, I imported Kamailio stuff into pkg/kamailio. We will need to go through these files and merge them at some point (or alternatively keep one version and delete the other).
kamailio/scripts was imported into sip-router/tools No coflics there, so I did not touch the files imported from Kamailio. I would, however, suggest that as the next step we move kamctl and kamdbctl into subdirectories. Booth tools consist of several files and would be, IMHO, better to have them cleanly separated.
kamailio/utils/{db_berkeley,db_oracle,kamunix,profile} were imported into sip-router/utils. I omited kamailio/utils/fif_relay because the same tool is already present in sip-router repository--and it is not needed anymore anyway.
What is missing: I also found extra TLS documentation in kamailio/tls/doc. The documentation was probably not yet imported into the sip-router repository so I will look into that.
Please take a moment and review the layout, if people are happy with my proposed layout and nobody speaks up then I will merge those changes into the master branch on Wednesday.
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