
Use case

Kamailio installed in AWS cloud.
Exist phones located in internet and exist phones connected via VPN.
As option, also may exist phones connected via docker VxLAN or any other Kubernetes providers.

I want use same listen for all this connections types.
Need to advertise different IP for each connection type.

Could you add ability advertise different IP using ACL info.
As example

listen=udp:eth0:5060 advertise for_acl 0
listen=udp:eth0:5060 advertise for_acl 1
listen=udp:eth0:5060 advertise for_acl 2
listen=udp:eth0:5060 advertise

Expected behavior

Kamailio will apply different advertise option dependent of source IP of incoming packet.

Actual observed behavior

Listener support only one advertise param.

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