### Description I am using kazoo-module for connecting Kamailio to RabbitMQ and publishing messages to several consumers.
Now I´d like to extend my setup to a more sophisticated routing based on a consistent hash-exchange (https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-consistent-hash-exchange), while retaining also existing topology based on routing keys.
This can be achieved by using ["Routing on a Header" (hash-header)](https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-consistent-hash-exchange#routing-on-a-h...). However, [kazoo_publish](https://kamailio.org/docs/modules/5.0.x/modules/kazoo.html#idp30289164) does not allow setting such header.
### Expected behavior Please extend publish-functions of the kazoo-module with the possibility to (optionally) supply AMQP-headers.