I've updated to 5.7 and the behaviour is the same.
In order to rule out problems in the rest of my code i've used the base kamailio.cfg with minimum changes as possible and added this code right before PSTN being called :
``` $var(New_From_uri) = "sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid" ; uac_replace_from("","$var(New_From_uri)"); ```
I have the following configurations for uac :
``` loadmodule "uac.so" modparam("uac","restore_mode","auto") modparam("uac","restore_from_avp","$avp(vsf)") modparam("uac","restore_to_avp","$avp(vst)") modparam("uac","restore_passwd","password123")
modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 1) ``` If you need more testing from me please let me know and i'll be happy to help