Hi Daniel,

Seems to me that commit access would indeed be the most practical option moving forward, if you are willing to grant it. I have been building systems based around Kamailio for the past 4-5 years so I am inevitably keen to contribute to the project on a long term basis.




initial dmq developer has changed the job and is no longer that active. Taking in consideration you already submitted a bunch of patches, we can even grant git commit access if you have consistent patches now and plan to work in rather long term with it. If it is just sporadic development, I can do the commits this time - they can be submitted here or added to the tracker. Let me know the way you prefer.

This comes in perfect timing, as it was one item on my (long) to-do list and thought to pursue a bit before next major release. You save me some time and I can help in case you need for integration in other modules.


On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 11:25 AM, Charles Chance <charles.chance@sipcentric.com> wrote:


Sorry if this is the wrong list. I have managed to get the dmq module working with a couple of minor fixes and have also updated the documentation so hopefully it is now usable. I am now about start adding support into some of the other modules.

Should I just submit these changes as patches to the bug tracker? Or is there some other preferred way?

Last time, when I made some updates to the memcache module, Henning (as the author of the module) was kind enough to take the patch and apply it along with some other changes.

Please let me know the best way to go.

Many thanks,



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