Created a patch for 4.1 which allows to display also the total number of pkg fragments upon calling kamcmd pkg.stats. This combines part of the master logic with existing 4.1 logic (for example this version does not combine the SREV_PKG_SET_USED, SREV_PKG_SET_REAL_USED, SREV_PKG_SET_FRAGS into one callback.)
Does this look ok? Feel free to close this if not needed. You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* kex: adding total_frags to kamcmd pkg.stats
-- File Changes --
M events.c (13) M events.h (2) M mem/f_malloc.c (9) M mem/f_malloc.h (1) M mem/q_malloc.c (20) M mem/q_malloc.h (1) M modules/kex/pkg_stats.c (17)
-- Patch Links --
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