i am trying Qjsimple 0.6.3 with Kamailio 1.5 with tls support, i make the
user register successfully but when i am trying to invite another user i got
the following error:
transport_srtp Failed generating random key: unspecified failure
pjsua_call.c Error initializing media channel: Unknown error 259800
Dialog destroyed
QjSimple: Error calling buddy: Unknown error 259800 [status=259800]
the sip setting as the following:
protocol: tcp
srtp : mandatory
srtp requirements: tls
also i got the same error if the sip setting as the following:
protocol: tls
srtp : mandatory
srtp requirements: tls
protocol: tls
srtp : mandatory
srtp requirements: sips
any body help me please?
Eng.Mustafa Al-Samara