Dne 9.4.2013 0:46, Klaus Darilion napsal(a):
Am 12.02.2013 21:21, schrieb Marek Červenka:
Dne 12.2.2013 20:16, Juha Heinanen napsal(a):
Marek Červenka writes:
i started small comparison http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/MediaProxy+Comparison
you could also add columns "IPv6 Support" and "Media Recording". MediaProxy has neither. i think MediaProxy-ng has the first, but not the second.
-- juha
you can add erlrtpproxy too: http://lists.sip-router.org/pipermail/sr-dev/2013-January/017928.html
created http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/MediaProxy+Features but it's mess now. i must create descriptions