Dne 11.2.2013 16:10, Andreas Granig napsal(a):
On 02/10/2013 05:46 PM, Marek Červenka wrote:
there exist some mediaproxy-ng from sipwise i cant find official homepage/repository
We published the repo today at https://github.com/sipwise/mediaproxy-ng.
You may want to use the 2.1 branch, as the master branch already uses a new control protocol. The kamailio module "rtpproxy-ng" for that protocol will be released on github later today and merged into kamailio-upstream after the kamailio-4.0 release.
i started small comparison http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/MediaProxy+Comparison
can you send some details about mediaproxy-ng? redis,new control protocol, architecture, features, ..