following the IRC devel meeting that just ended, I am trying to identify the compile time options that are relevant to build for. The goal is to detect if changes that compile fine with some of those options, don't break the compilation when options are different.
In my mind comes only those related to memory debugging. So the builds should be:
A) Using PKG malloc
1) memory debugging turned off
MEMDBG=0 make ...
2) memory debugging turned on
MEMDBG=1 make
B) compile with system malloc instead of pkg malloc
-DPKG_MALLOC needs to be removed from Makefile.defs
Not really relevant here, -DDBG_SYS_MALLOC can be added to compile flags as a second time compile.
I will try to simplify setting this options, so for now A would be good to have.
Besides these, I wonder if people here use other compile flags that the default one, in order to identify what other combination of flags should be used for testing that compilation is done ok.
Cheers, Daniel