Module: kamailio
Branch: master
Commit: 3207b1ffc66138417e5b509de998554c3cc7283b
Author: Kamailio Dev <>
Committer: Kamailio Dev <>
Date: 2019-02-27T09:16:58+01:00
modules: readme files regenerated - dispatcher ... [skip ci]
Modified: src/modules/dispatcher/README
diff --git a/src/modules/dispatcher/README b/src/modules/dispatcher/README
index f65a72f83d..de510807ca 100644
--- a/src/modules/dispatcher/README
+++ b/src/modules/dispatcher/README
@@ -494,8 +494,10 @@ modparam("dispatcher", "force_dst", 1)
The name of the XAVP which will hold the list with addresses and
associated properties, in the order they have been selected by the
chosen algorithm. If use_default is 1, the values of last XAVP
- correspond to the last address in destination set. The first XAVP is
- the current selected destination. All the other addresses from the
+ correspond to the last address in destination set. In case of using
+ dispatcher.list file, you have to set the priority field for each
+ destination to ensure a particular order there. The first XAVP is the
+ current selected destination. All the other addresses from the
destination set will be added in the XAVP list to be able to implement
serial forking.