Hello all,
The way sipcapture now works, for requests it inserts the actual method name into the "method" field. But for replies, it inserts the SIP Status (i.e. 200, 407) into the "method" field.
It would be better to extract the actual method name from the CSEQ header and insert it into the "method" field, as well as adding a "status" field to the tables and inserting there the actual SIP Status.
I've made a patch for sipcapture.c and sipcapture.h which do just that. I will also be submitting a PR to homer for this, as db tables need to be modified to accept the status field.
How do i do the pull request?
I don't seem to be allowed to do commits to a branch i created locally
David Villasmil email: david.villasmil.work@gmail.com https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=david.villasmil.work@gmail.com phone: +34669448337