
Looks like that worked - going to keep watching it and see what happens.

However I am now getting:

Aug  9 15:34:00  /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[3040]: CRITICAL: dialog [dlg_timer.c:138]: Trying to insert a bogus dlg tl=0x7f8dc8089368 tl->next=0x7f8dc80202e0 tl->prev=0x7f8dc8108b68
Aug  9 15:34:00  /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[3040]: CRITICAL: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:373]: Unable to insert dlg 0x7f8dc8089318 [603:994585481] on event 3 [2->3] with clid 'CINMGC0320110809153354004076@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX' and tags 'VPSF506071629460' 'gK0cc7be82'

Which looks similar to the original thread?  Not sure if there is still an underlying issue that I should be wary of?

Brandon Armrstead

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 8:16 AM, Brandon Armstead <brandon@cryy.com> wrote:

   I have actually been researching that thread - it does look *similar* however it does not look 100% related.  I am checking out that commit now however - and will see if it resolves the same issue.

As for dlg_end_dlg - I am not calling this via FIFO or anything - I am simply calling dlg_manage() in the routing config - however I am not sure if this is being called internally (I assume that it is) upon a dialog cleanup?

Brandon Armstead

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 8:08 AM, Timo Reimann <timo.reimann@1und1.de> wrote:
Hello Brandon,

On 09.08.2011 16:17, Brandon Armstead wrote:
> Hello,
>    Any further insight any of you can provide is very much appreciated.
> Here is the core dump syslog:


A few months ago, Anton Roman provided a core dump looking very similar
to yours. I wasn't exactly able to pin down the cause but suspected the
dlg_end_dlg() function.

Is there a chance you used that function around the time the crash happened?

