On 3/28/12 3:13 PM, Pirjo Ahvenainen wrote:
Hi all,
I've been playing with the new mono api on the development version of
Kamailio. I'm having some problems with it, perhaps there's something
someone here knows that would help. If there's a better place to post
this question please guide me to the right direction.
I'm using CentOS 6.2, installed mono with yum, the mono version is
the module was developed and tested on debian/ubuntu, however it should
work with mono >2.8.
The docs for embedding mono which were used are:
and the build params needed are for 'mono-2'. See:
I had problems compiling the app_mono module, I got errors like:
Package mono-2 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `mono-2.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'mono-2' found
So I changed the makefile to the one below (replaced "mono-2" to
"mono" from the default). Then got it compiled and app_mono.so was
generated. I don't know much about makefiles but me guessing what to
do with it got the thing compiled.
include ../../Makefile.defs
BUILDER = $(shell which pkg-config)
ifeq ($(BUILDER),)
DEFS+=-D_REENTRANT -I/usr/include/mono
LIBS= -lmono -lm -lrt -ldl -lpthread
DEFS+= $(shell pkg-config --cflags mono)
LIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs mono)
include ../../Makefile.modules
Then I compiled Kamailio with the app_mono module included, during
compilation I got output like this:
[root@monotest kamailio]# make all
CC (gcc) [M app_mono.so] app_mono_api.o
app_mono_api.c: In function âsr_mono_logâ:
app_mono_api.c:318: warning: implicit declaration of function âmono_freeâ
CC (gcc) [M app_mono.so] app_mono_mod.o
make[2]: `libkcore.so.1.0' is up to date.
LD (gcc) [M app_mono.so] app_mono.so
I added my params on the config:
loadmodule "app_mono.so"
modparam("app_mono", "load",
Everything compiled though and I did not notice any errors. However,
there must be something wrong with either my environment, mono
version, compiling something or something else, command kamailio -c
gives output with errors (note the warning before and the error below
about mono_free):
[root@monotest kamailio]# kamailio -c
loading modules under
0(26471) ERROR:<core> [sr_module.c:572]: ERROR: load_module: could
not open module
/usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules/app_mono.so: undefined symbol:
0(26471) :<core> [cfg.y:3565]: parse error in config file
/usr/local/etc/kamailio/modules.cfg, line 90, column
12-24: failed to load module
0(26471) ERROR:<core> [modparam.c:162]: set_mod_param_regex: No
module matching<app_mono> found
0(26471) :<core> [cfg.y:3568]: parse error in config file
/usr/local/etc/kamailio/modules.cfg, line 281,
column 74: Can't set module parameter
0(26471) ERROR:<core> [cfg.y:3429]: cfg. parser: failed to find
command mono_run
Any ideas on what's the problem?
I'll try the same on Ubuntu to compare but any suggestions and advice
would be appreciated!
Pirjo Ahvenainen
sr-dev mailing list
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
Kamailio Advanced Training, April 23-26, 2012, Berlin, Germany