@lglayal -- can you give here the backtrace from gdb when you get the crash with mongo-c-driver-1.3.5 with --enable-ssl=yes ?

I was digging a bit in mongodb-c-driver and looks like they don't set the locking functions if they are already set:

static void
_mongoc_openssl_thread_startup (void)
   int i;

   gMongocOpenSslThreadLocks = (mongoc_mutex_t *)OPENSSL_malloc (CRYPTO_num_locks () * sizeof (mongoc_mutex_t));

   for (i = 0; i < CRYPTO_num_locks (); i++) {

   if (!CRYPTO_get_locking_callback ()) {
      CRYPTO_set_locking_callback (_mongoc_openssl_thread_locking_callback);
      CRYPTO_set_id_callback (_mongoc_openssl_thread_id_callback);

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