Henning Westerholt wrote:
Maybe you have an idea on this; I will continue thinking about it. In any case, the "always decrement counter during BYE processing" isn't strictly required for the designated fix if the "deny proxy-initiated call termination for non-confirmed calls" rule is in effect. That's because confirmed dialogs should always transition to the terminated state on processing of the BYE request and thereby decrement the counter.
If the "proxy deny" change is enough to fix the problem about the leaking dialogs in this certain case, then maybe we should only change this so far, especially as there are still at least one fix left (tm delete timer dlg) which haven't been commited so far.
Agreed. Putting it on the agenda for the new improved implementation should suffice for the moment. I will soon note down in the wiki dialog proposal what we have discussed so far.
Too much thinking about dialog today. I need a break. :)
Ok, I also need a break to see the goal again and again XDDD
Hehe, you've not that much goals in the last games, so i understand. ;-)
Iñaki's law: "As an sr-dev thread grows longer, the probability of him teasing others with the fact that the Spanish national football team won the 2010 world cup approaches 1." :)
¡Viva diálogo!