Looking further at this patch, it requires to have the second parameter as a single variable to be considered with "pvar" support, because I see you search for `/` in the second parameter. It makes it support like:
``` $var(se) = "/abc/xyz/"; avp_subst("$avp(x)", "$var(se)"); ```
Right now it support PV in the replacement part of the subst expression, not allowing the match/regexp part.
Maybe is better to just add a new function that will always evaluate the subst parameter with variables, allowing more flexible format for subst parameter. At the end, you just need to have your added code in a dedicated function that evaluates first the parameter and then compiles the subst expression.
So we can have:
``` avp_susbtx("$avp(x)", "/$fU/$rU/g"); ``` Allowing also:
``` $var(se) = "/" + $fU + "/" + $rU + "/"; avp_substx("$avp(x)", "$var(se)"); ``` The new function can have a different name than avp_substx(), I used to exemplify here.